Dena Kirkpatrick and Barrel Position

We had great feedback on our Facebook page when we posted some videos with Dena about bits for barrel racing.   Now Dena has her very own channel on YouTube!

I think this video on positioning your horse around the barrel for a turn is great.  It is a caption from her new video “Dena’s One Smooth Motion”.   Have a look at this video below.

(Click here to watch video if you are reading this on Facebook)

In this video Dena points out the importance of positioning your horse properly to make the best turn.  She suggests that no matter your training style or your horses style, you always want to position the barrel behind your leg or at the horses hip before you start the turn.  Reason being is that in your horses peripheral vision if you turn earlier, the barrel will be in your horses way and he will react in an unfavorable way.   He might stop forward motion, move himself over, slow down, blow off etc.

If you are able to continue forward motion at all times, your resulting time will be quicker.   The overhead video is awesome for showing how a horse can keep those feet moving continuing in a forward motion.  Dena also shows how when you start the turn to soon how the horse will have to reposition himself take make the turn which will cost valuable time as he gets out of the most favorable position.

This fundamental is important for training a young horse, keeping a seasoned horse honest and schooling one that has some bad habits.   I would hedge a guess that this bodyto barrel positioning is a key and integral part to Dena’s training program that has been coined  Dena’s One Smooth Motion – “The Unique Training Method of Dena Kirkpatrick”.

Dena’s new video is available through stores that carry the Classic Equine Brand.  I haven’t had a chance to watch it yet but I’m sure it is great.  I have been to one of her clinics and thought it was great.  5 and a half hours of video from the lady who has trained many futurity champions and NFR qualifying horses (including the 2008 World Champion barrel horse “Martha”).   Check out the YouTube Channel here or go see Dena’s website Go to”media” and you can watch the videos right on her website too.

Some of the other clips you can find on her website or youtube channel include those on how to put polo wraps on properly, speed to the first barrel, handling ground,  saddling and controlling your mind for barrel racing and more.

Thank you Dena for this great visual showing us the importance of proper positioning around a barrel.

Comments 3

  1. Hey yall, i barrel race myself too….i have a 6year old mare that dont like stopping i need help….i like ur page and ur books too… i hope i can be just like you when i get older!!! :).. thanks yall.

    1. Post

      Go back to basics. Get her to at a walk, trot, lope….. make sure you are sitting deep, say whoa then ask with the reins. Repetition, proper cues and patience are key. Best of luck – Michelle

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