is a great resource of information and videos. They interview barrel racing champions like Kay Blandford, Sherry Cervi and Tammy Key-Fisher along with many, many more. Click here for a link for more videos
In this particular video Barrel Racing Buzz talks to Liz Pinkston about getting yourself mentally prepared so you can guide your barrel horse to the best of your ability through the pattern. She suggests getting yourself a road map, stay consistent with your plan and don’t quit! Get yourself mentally prepared at home even if it means setting up a pattern at home a similar size. If you are going to be in a small arena, set up a small pattern.
Some great tips from Liz and barrel racing buzz. Be sure to check out the BUZZ website for many more great tips and videos. A great online resource for us barrel racers. Your barrel racing horse will thank you for it!
Here’s the video:
Comments 2
I get very nervous before I run. My nerves get in my way of performing to my fullest. Do you have any other tips that can help me with my nerves?
Search the Mental Training tips on the this site. Being confident in your home work and reminding yourself this is supposed to be fun might help too
I also really like the book Mind Gym to put things in perspective.